Monday, January 23, 2012

penyendiri kah aq..?penakutkah aq..?

da 2 org lecterur tegur aq jauh menyayup berubah..
maybe dorg just suarakan ape yang dorg nmpk..
tapi,sumpah aq ckp,TERSENTAP jugak semalam..
nk menitik air mata aq,ble,lecterur yang cm bapak aq sndri ne, cm tanggung BEBAN yang besar..
cam ad benda terbuku dalam hati aq..
wooww...tersenyap aq..
aq dapat rase da,air mata aq mengenang..
selama ne..sume aq pendam sorg..
cm SUFFER IN SILENCE pny type..
tp iye ne penyendiri..?soalan yang tade jawapan..
encik,saya minx maaf sgt2..
byk benda sy pikir and baek sy diam ntuk kepentingan sume org..
sy ta kan burst,ilang kawalan or bwat keje bdo..
byk org ta kan lepaskn sy lau sy bwat mslh..
byk org ta bpe nk herankn sy ble ta kan snang2 lpazkn sy..
sy byk bru msuk 20 tp sy da bfikir mcm umur 35..
sy terpakse...
tapi ayat2 tu,sume dlm kpale aq je..ta tkuar pun...
nmpkny...byk bnd yg aq kne pikir...yeshh..
bila nk abes pun aq ta taw..
mybe aq da ta taw ape status ati aq,ble ati org je aq tpkse jge..
bila aq ta dtuduh ta memahami...or ape2..
yeah..birthday aq tade mkne..tmbh saket aje...
jadi...tbaek laa...
kt siapa aq nk ngadu..?
ad ke careline nk dengar LUAHAN aq ne..?
ntah ad atau ta...ntah2 careline pun hung up,ble aq start cerita...

once someone say to me..
-life isnt that east,death is more peaceful, harder..
btulla tu kot,kn..?

Friday, January 20, 2012

our time is running out

First time i walk into this place,
I can feel i hate it,
Days by days..
Month by month..
To many people that passing by in this journey..
365 days been there,
365 days been through all good part and so the hardest parts,
Too many things I've learned,
Too many things changed one by one in my life,

June Intake 2010..
Now the time has run out,
Swallow all the hatred and friendship,
Swallow att the love and madness,
Swallow all our memories..
I'm no good in saying goodbye,
But for those people who helped me be who am I these days,
Thank you..
I've already missing you guys even we still have few more days,
Before we spread our own wings,
facing this era,
This new ERA..

For my love,
Knowing I will remember you always,
Even when we apart..